Tips For Moving Abroad: Mistakes To Avoid When Relocating To A New Country (Part two)

Tips for Moving Abroad and Mistakes to Avoid.
Certain experiences of life abroad are just personal or too embarrassing to share. But I am willing to rip the bandage off and just share these things with you guys because I am certain that you need to hear these things in order to make the right choices regarding your move to a new country..
Hello there! Last week I shared with you guys some tips for moving abroad; specifically 5 mistakes to avoid when relocating to a new country. That was the first part of this series. So today I will be sharing 5 more mistakes to avoid when relocating to any country.
These are mistakes to avoid in order to save yourself unnecessary headache and waste of time. Not to mention all the money wasted on a wrong move. I promised to also share certain truths that most people aren’t willing to share due to their personal nature or how out rightly embarrassing those things are. I admit.
Certain experiences of life abroad are just personal or too embarrassing to share. But I am willing to rip the bandage off and just share these things with you guys because I am certain that you need to hear these things in order to make the right choices regarding your move to a new country.
Trust me, moving from one country to another is a serious deal, especially if both countries are located on opposite sides of the earth globe and remotely different in all aspects you can imagine.
Okay, so without further ado, let’s get right into it. Below are 5 more mistakes to avoid when relocating to any country;
1. Moving for the wrong reasons: One of the reasons why some persons may feel frustrated and lost after a couple years in a new place can also be deeply rooted in the reason for their move in the first place. So this is something you should ask yourself. It is very important to do some personal assessment and ask yourself why you have decided to move, and mostly importantly, why have you chosen this particular country?
It is good to ensure that you are making the right choice and moving for the right reasons. The repercussion of not properly assessing your choices will result in you being frustrated after a couple hurdles and disappointments which may even lead to you moving to and fro countries. Time is essential and you do not want to waste your time or money on wrong judgements.
2. Failing to be Realistic: In as much as you keep hope alive in your heart and dream on, it is also important to stay realistic. Wishes do not always come true in the real world. Same goes for stories you read online about the country you are moving to. It is good to have expectations but remember to recognize the actual reality of life in that country especially as a Foreigner.
Things may definitely not go the way you have thought or planned or even imagined. Forget about what you thought would happen when you arrive and focus on what is actually happening around. Focus on how you can make the best out of the situation and build a future for yourself in the new country.
3. Not Learning the Local Language: Living in a new country can be exciting and challenging at the same time. One of the major challenges is learning the local language. Depending on the local language in question and where you are coming from, some foreigners learn the local language faster than others. It is possible that you may not even need to use the language at your work place, learning the local language will also ease communication for you especially with the elderly in the society.
My advice is to always endeavor to learn the local language whether you will use it at work or not. In fact, if possible, start learning the language way before you actually arrive in that country. Trust me, it will definitely make life easier for you in the new country.
4. Unnecessary baggage: Like I said earlier, moving to a new country can be exciting. There is that temptation to pack as many things as possible just in case you can’t find them in the new country. This is especially so when you are coming from a culturally rich country and there is every certainty that you may not find a large amount of your cultural items in the new country.
This is why you should take a moment to strategize your packing. The key is to make a list of the things you will need in 2 categories. First, those items that are originally from your country and exported abroad. Second, those items that are actually produced in or near the country you are relocating to. Next, do your research concerning the first category to see if in the country you plan to relocate to, there are ethnic shops or grocery stores that import and sell these cultural items or foodstuff.
If yes, there you have your answer. You don’t have to fill up your bags with those because you can always buy them when you arrive. Just take a little, depending on how it is processed or preserved. Now for the second category; those that are actually produced in or near the country you are relocating to; that is where many foreigners make a mistake, including myself.
In my case, I spent a lot of money in Nigeria buying expensive winter jackets and boots because I heard Finland was cold and I wanted to be very prepared. So I packed a lot of foodstuff, jackets and boots, and almost everything I needed. I felt ready and it gave me a sense of security. At the airport my luggage were way over the maximum limit and the extra cost was close to the cost of a flight ticket. So I had to dump half of my belongings.
At the end, I chose to dump the foodstuff and books, but made sure my winter jackets and boots remained in my box. That was a mistake. Winter jackets and boots come from where I’m going to, so I will definitely get it cheaper there. Now I know better and would do the very opposite if the incidence was to be revisited.
So be strategic about what you choose to fill your luggage with. If I should travel to Nigeria right now, I will fill my bags with cultural clothes and food items that I can’t find here. So that way I won’t spend a fortune buying them online or getting them shipped from the US and UK.
Funny that these stores abroad get it shipped in from Nigeria and they sell it online to me. I pay shipping fees and custom tariffs and at the end of the day its triple the amount I would have spent if I get them myself while in Nigeria. See? Now you get the point. Be smart about what you pack. Focus on things you can not find easily in the new country.
5. Not being Open minded or willing to try new things: Every day is a new day full of new possibilities. So keep an open mind about the opportunities life in a new country presents to you. Staying adamant and insisting on what you know or your past may not work well for you in the long run.
Access the new situation of things and how you fit in. Like I always say; things may not turn out the way you wish but be ready to make compromises and see what new opportunities life is offering to you. You never know, it may actually turn out better than your initial plans. So be open minded as you find your path in your new home.
Alright, I hope this helps you as you plan to move to a new country. Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments section. See you next time!

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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