What This Pandemic Taught Me; 7 Post Corona Life Lessons We Should All Take Note Of.

Post Corona Life Lessons
Life has a way of throwing at us different challenges of different sizes and strength. But there is one thing that is constant with each challenge that we face; We always overcome.
As someone who believes in making the best out of every situation, I always will myself mentally to stay in the moment and enjoy what each moment has to offer. Funny enough, I also apply this even in times that us humans may generally consider as not so notable or important, like taking a short bath or eating a quick breakfast. However, this morning, as I was drinking my morning tea, I found my mind constantly drifting to the corona times and how life was during the pandemic.
After dwelling on the matter for some time, I was able to look deep within myself and discover ways that the pandemic have changed me and also affected my relationship with other people. I must admit that my perspectives and how I view certain things also changed. I have come to terms with the new phase of life and how things have changed around me.
So what are my Post Corona Life lessons? Below are some of my thoughts on the aftermath of the pandemic and what I think we should all take into consideration in our day to day lives;

1. Living life is so much more than just being active and doing stuff, it also entails being present with ourselves. We get so busy with the things we think we should be doing, or how people expect us to act that we sometimes forget the very things that matter the most, like taking a moment to reach down within our soul and just be in our inner space.
2. Laughter, joy, and connecting with others also have a way of uplifting our spirits, so make time as well to be with those who ignite your heart, like your family and friends. Make it a regular thing especially if you guys don’t live in the same house. Also find time to take part in spiritual or soulful activities which give your life a meaning.
It may not be the same for everyone. So take some time, dig deep into your heart, and find out what your soul yearns for, or what helps you to grow (not growing physically, but growth on the inside).
3. Make it a regular habit to take some time off, take a moment to appreciate and just enjoy nature. There is so much that nature has to offer to you. Enjoy it.
4. Learn not to be so needy of other people, but to be okay with just being by yourself. During the pandemic, many people just couldn’t be without going to visit their friends or hanging out at the bar, or stuff like that. By no means, that is not a bad thing.
But it is also necessary to develop self sufficiency so that when situation comes and you need to be by yourself out of necessity and safety, you won’t find yourself going crazy without company.
5. We are all part of something bigger than us. Even as we all say life is personal and we are all living for ourselves, life moves in a meaningful and intentional ways and all our lives are intertwined and somewhat joined together, even if we don’t see it.
6. Live a more mindful and responsible life. Our actions or inactions as individuals may have the tendency of endangering another human being, even as far as in other countries.
7. Be more proactive with your finances. The pandemic left many people panicking about their finances. Many people who were caught going out even when the authorities advised everyone to stay indoors gave the excuse of not wanting to die of hunger.
Live for today, they say, enjoy your money, they say. Very true I agree, but please remember to also look at your financial goals for the future and prepare yourself for tomorrow. This way, when situations like the pandemic, or economic meltdown happens, you don’t have to panic because your finances are all in order.
On a final note, I just want to quickly say this; Life has a way of throwing at us different challenges of different sizes and strength. Some affect only us, some affect everyone we know and love. Some shake us badly, some run us flat to the ground and others take something of value away from us. But there is one thing that is constant with each challenge that we face; We always overcome. We always prevail.
What are your post corona Life lessons? Let me know below!

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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