Information About Finland: 4 Top Official Websites Where You Can Find Authentic Information About Finland

Information About Finland
As an expat sharing about my Finland story, one of the most common questions I receive from incoming Foreigners and students is about authentic databases and one stop websites where they can find helpful information for newcomers in Finland…
Before I moved to Finland 7 years ago, the only place I could go to in search of Finland related news and every information I could find about my soon to be new home, was the internet. The challenging thing was that there wasn’t much information online then about Finland compared to now.
As an expat sharing about my Finland story, one of the most common questions I receive from incoming Foreigners and students is about authentic databases and one stop websites where they can find helpful information for newcomers in Finland.
So below are some very good government based information websites about Finland:
1. ThisisFINLAND: This is an information site produced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and published by the Finland Promotion Board providing information about Finland, its culture and its people. On the website, you will find information about Life and Society, Business and Innovation, Arts and Culture, Statistics, and Facts about Finland. Their slogan is Things you should and shouldn’t know. Click HERE to visit their website.
2. InfoFinland: InfoFinland is a multi-language website providing vital information to people planning to move to Finland and to immigrants already living in the country. The website also helps authorities with multi-language communications and is available in so many languages offer users reliable information in their own language about moving to Finland, work, studying, housing, education, health, family, problem situations and leisure activities.
The information is being continuously updated. On the site you will find information about Loving to Finland and Living in Finland with particular references to different cities in Finland. InfoFinland is one of my favorite webpages about Finland because there you will find a whole lot of information about Finland in different areas or categories ranging from history, culture, society to legal matters, employment, and even learning the language. Click HERE to visit their website.
3. VisitFinland: This is another official website where you can find a lot of useful information about Finland. This site aims to give you an all round experience of Finland as it shares information on traveling to Finland, seasons, culture, food, language, different travel destinations in Finland and where you can get the best experiences during each season. You will also learn about the things you can do during your stay in Finland including fun activities, shopping, wellbeing, and accommodation. Click HERE to visit their website.
4. StudyinFinland: This is for those who are planning to study in Finland. I am including this here because a huge amount of my readers are those who are either applying to study in Finland, or have gotten their study places and are preparing to move to Finland. On the website you will find information about the universities and programmes, fees and scholarships, life in Finland as a student and beyond your studies. Click HERE to visit their website.
Finally, I would definitely include My Finland Story Blog for obvious reasons. :D. My aim is to share about Finland through the Eyes of a Foreigner. I moved to Finland several years ago as a student and since then I have fallen in love with the country and the lovely nature. For many years I documented (I still do) on this Blog and on my YouTube Channel, my observations, experiences and the experiences of others.
Here, you will be learning all about Finland from another Foreigner who, many years ago, was just like you: Excited to be moving to Finland, anxious about how life in Finland would be, curious to know how practical things like job opportunities for foreigners truly is, and so on. The list is endless. But worry not! You are in the right place.
My mission here is to open your eyes to how Life in Finland truly is for foreigners, mistakes to avoid, opportunities to embrace, and all the tips you need that will make your transition into life in Finland waaaay easier than you could imagine. You don’t have to make the same mistakes that I made.
You made a wise decision by visiting my Blog today, so make sure to sign up for the Newsletter so you can get new posts delivered right to your inbox. Also check out my YouTube Channel and subscribe for a glimpse on day to day life in Finland for a foreigner.
There are so many helpful Expat blogs where you will find very useful information about Finland. I will definitely be sharing a list of those with you guys someday. But for now, that’s it for today. I hope you found this post to be helpful. Let me know in the comments which of these websites are your favorites. In the meantime, you can check out some of the recommended related posts below.
See you next time!

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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