Facts About Finland: 5 Things I Heard About Finland That Turned Out To Be Actually True! (Video)

As a foreigner and an expat, I have made it my duty to keep my eyes and ears open to learn and know more about this place called Suomi. I love learning about the people, the culture, and the system…
Facts About Finland.
So guys I’m back as promised with more on some facts about Finland that I heard before moving here. On my last post I talked about Crazy Things I Heard About Finland That Turned Out Not To Be True. So today I will be sharing the other side of the story. And these are some real facts about Finland; The Things I Heard About Finland That Were Actually True. When it comes to facts about Finland, as a foreigner and an expat, I have made it my duty to keep my eyes and ears open to learn and know more about this place called Suomi. I love learning about the people, the culture, and the system.

Living in Finland for more than 4 years have exposed me to certain practices and even nature which are outright foreign and unfamiliar to me. I find myself wondering how places can differ in terms of culture, heritage, and history, yet the people look the same. Well not quite physically, but biologically.
Finland is one country with very lovely and awe striking nature. The air is so clean, the weather, eeeh, can be great sometimes, especially during the midsummer week, but most times is dark and cold. Well that isn’t such a big deal if you know how to dress properly and also find ways to enjoy each weather and what it brings with it. And the bright midsummer days are something to look forward to. There are alot of interesting facts about Finland that every visitor would find quite enchanting.

Image: Ozgu Ozden. Unsplash
Before moving to Finland, I heard alot of things that got me very intriqued. Some of these things turned out to be real facts about Finland, and a confirmation of the Things I heard or read about the country before coming, but refused to believe at first. However, over the years, the things turned out to be true. Absolutely true! And I talked about them in detail in today’s video.
So grab a cup of tea, coffee or your favorite drink and enjoy the video below.
Facts About Finland: 5 Things I Heard About Finland That Turned Out To Be Actually True!
Still on facts about Finland, I also have some posts on some traditional or cultural practices predominant amongst the Finns. Here is one; 1st Of May in Finland: Vappu Festival in Finland From A Foreigner’s Perspective
Happy Reading!

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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