Diary Of An Expat Blogger in Finland. Dealing with Extreme Ends and Keeping It Real For Yourself.

Diary of an Expat Blogger in Finland
As a Mom of 2 and also an Expat blogger in Finland, one of the earlier sources of anxiety for me was trying to strike a balance when recreating my random thoughts and opinions into videos and blog post, without offending anyone. I completely failed at striking this balance…
Dealing With Extreme Ends As An Expat Blogger in Finland.
This morning, I didn’t feel like writing about anything even if today is my blogging day. Honestly I have never believed in the phrase; ‘waking up from the wrong side of the bed’. I still don’t. But there are mornings that I find myself almost thinking the phrase could actually apply to me. Especially those days when I find my mental health struggling from ‘acute stress and anxiety’ (according to my Therapist). :D.
As a Mom of 2 and also an Expat blogger in Finland, one of the earlier sources of anxiety for me was trying to strike a balance when recreating my random thoughts and opinions into videos and blog posts, without offending anyone. I would make YouTube videos and wish that everyone would agree and not be upset. Same goes for blog posts. I completely failed at striking this balance.
It was impossible to rule out the possibility (pun intended) that my videos or posts as an Expat blogger in Finland may offend a particular group of people, be it immigrants, Finns, bikers, far-right groups, far-left groups, and so on. There is just no middle ground where all opinions can sit, comfortable and happy. So I got stressed and anxious about my career as an Expat blogger in Finland. Or if I would have any career in Finland at all.

Keeping It Real For Myself.
It took years for me to find a middle ground, or a balance. Now this is not the balance that I hoped to find in the first place. This is different. The middle ground this time around that actually saved my mental health was the spot where I CHOOSE ME. I choose to look out for myself. I found out that I may never be able to completely live a life where I satisfy everyone. I have come to terms with the fact that there are people who may never accept my reasoning or understand my way of doing things.
The moment I accepted this fact, I didn’t need to pay frequent visits to my therapist anymore. My life became easier and more relaxed. Now this is just one example. Recently, I have been incorporating techniques that help reduce my stress levels and it has been working for me. There are several issues of life and it is very easily to get caught up in all of the drama of life happening around you. Here is a blog post on Health Tips for De-stressing: How To Reduce Stress As You Deal With Challenges In Your Daily Life.
The key is to find the balance and keep it real right there in the middle. The problem is that we focus too much on what others think and on trying to make people love or accept us. My younger self did all that. But my older self damned the consequences and choose herself; Me, right there in the middle. I am the balance. Same goes for you. You are the balance.
You decide what goes for you and what doesn’t. You decide what you post and what you don’t. Because either way, not everyone will agree. So instead of tearing yourself apart trying to give bits and pieces to people who may not even care about that, you just keep yourself intact in your core, and keep it real right there in the middle by staying true to yourself. Sometime ago I shared my personal experiences during a very trying time and I pondered on this: Am I Being Untrue To My Heart?
For me, staying true to myself means checking within me and going with what my higher self is saying to me. I don’t have to look for answers from other places. I have it all within me, if I can just withdraw from all the noise around me, take a moment to focus on myself and pay attention to what my soul, spirit and body is saying to me. Same thing goes when you pray or meditate.
One of the ways that God speaks to us is speaking into our hearts. So we need to tune in and hear what has been dropped in our hearts. So I use this opportunity to encourage us to try to keep a healthy heart and mind. The world is full of not so pleasant people who vibrate not so pleasant energies. Make sure you don’t get caught up in such energy that can corrupt your mind. Self care includes maintaining a healthy mindset and attitude towards the things happening around us.

You have to ensure you stay tuned into frequencies that bring good things into your life. Of course it is very possible to find yourself getting a bit sad or overwhelmed sometimes. That too is okay. Sometimes it is just okay to take a moment and feel what you feel. Own your feelings. But then you have to be able to say Enough is Enough. The key to maintaining a healthy and sane mind is to make sure you don’t stay down in that drowning situation you are in.
Dust yourself up and move into a better and more positive frequency. Do whatever it is that helps you to feel better. For some it is dancing, eating, calling friends, praying, watching a movie etc. For others, it can be reading and writing. I enjoy all of the above. They help me too.
And then my thinking does the rest, because our thought process always play a part in how we feel.
Below are some of the things that I say to myself as a reminder when I find myself down and I need to snap out of it;

- That I am a human and I cannot please everybody.
- That I am Smart, Beautiful, Intelligent, and Enough.
- That my Wholistic health and my Family come first before anything or anyone.
- That I am responsible for making decisions for my life.
- That I am surrounded by Loved ones, so I am not alone.
- That good opportunities come to me everyday.
- That I am capable of becoming whoever or whatever I want to be.
- That I don’t have to blame myself for everything that goes wrong.
- That the fact that someone doesn’t like me doesn’t mean that something is wrong with me.
- That it is for my own good to think good thoughs and stay positive.
How about you? What are the things you do or think that help you maintian a sane mind when things go crazy in the world? Let me know below.

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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