Coronavirus: Over 2 million infected in the world, But There Is That Which Kills Even Before The Virus Bites

Coronavirus. That which has thrown the world we know into an unknown place, sending residents into hiding in the enclosed walls of their homes, afraid for their lives, suspicious…
Today, the world has been thrown into mourning, panic and isolation due to the outbreak of coronavirus which has killed many. However, there is that which kills even before the virus bites. At the moment though, all energy and resources are focused on fighting this deadly virus;
The word on almost every lip; The terror by day and night; The invisible slayer; That which has thrown the world we know into an unknown place, sending residents into hiding in the enclosed walls of their homes, afraid for their lives, suspicious of every single person, and every single thing. Every sigh, every cough, every sneeze is met with an angry look, followed by fear, and then the feet involuntarily moves 5 more meters away. Every thing is contaminated, everyone is a carrier. Many have lost their loved ones, jobs, and their freedom.
Fear has led many to believe in tales and stories that lack any factual backing. Fear has led many to isolate. Fear has led others Not to Isolate. Some who have been in isolation now want out. Those still in Isolation condemn those who want out. The world we are in today is not the world we used to know. Will it get better? Will it get worse? Some put the blame on a Nation, Others put it on Technology. A small fraction put it on Nature. And then there are those who put it all on Mankind. “We all seem to be running away from the world we have created by ourselves”. They said.
In Finland, we have been fighting the coronavirus, just like in other many countries of the world. Some infected persons have recovered. Some couldn’t make it. We have lost our own too, we have buried loved ones. We have gone into isolation. Some region had been shut down. Public places closed. Safety measures rolled out. People begged to stay indoors. Yes, like other countries, we too are busing trying to get the virus off our land. I did a post not very long ago about the Coronavirus update in Finland, What was going on then, and what people were saying about it.
You can check it out later.
Running into isolation; living lives behind technology; feeding our minds with whatever crazy news we could find about the dreaded virus with no cure….yet. But how about that which kills even before the virus bites? The number of the infected persons in the world is over 2 million, and so many people have already lost their lives to this deadly virus. Doctors and nurses are at the forefront of this pandemic everyday and some of them have become infected due to contact with infected patients.
Today, so many doctors, nurses and critical health workers have lost their lives in the line of duty. Let us take a moment to pray for them, and thank them for risking their lives for others. On a personal note, this may be hard to grasp until you have a loved one who works in the health sector and has to go to work everyday. And then you find yourself worrying, and praying, and then worrying some more. So let us take a moment to acknowledge them.
So What Is That Which Kills Even Before The Virus Bites?

Image: Engin Akyurt. Unsplash
It is the decay of the Mind caused by Delusion of various coronavirus theories.
It is the Failure of the Body as a result of Hunger and Inactivity during isolation.
It is the imprisonment of the Spirit brewed by Fear of the Unknown.
It is the enslavement of the Soul borne out of the abandonment of self identity, self awareness and humanity.
Below is a recent videos I made on Youtube about the current state of Coronavirus pandemic in Finland, highlighting my personal experiences in this time of panic.
CORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIC IN FINLAND; What Is Going On Here And What People Are Saying About It.
To all my dear readers: Have Faith. Stay Safe. Try to keep the virus very far away from your doorsteps. But watch out for That Which Kills Even Before The Virus Bites.
For general updates on Coronavirus in Finland, please visit the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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