The Terrifying Spread of Coronavirus In Finland; Over 2300 infected. Many Fear It Is Too Late.

Should people start wearing face masks? Why are people not wearing masks in Finland like in other countries where the virus has spread to? These and many more are the questions and concerns people share…
The rise of Coronavirus In Finland has been terrifying, and has thrown the country into a state of emergency. How did that happen? Well, as you may have been seeing all around you, recently the whole world has been thrown into a state of panic, deaths and lock down due to the Corona virus which spread from Wuhan China to the rest of the world. There is no need to go into the start of the virus or what brought it out of it’s hiding place. Now we fight this together and later we can tackle that. Yes, it needs to be tackled so it doesn’t happen again.
Okay now, Coronavirus has spread to different countries and many have died due to it’s destructive tendencies. And many more are in the hospital fighting for their lives. Here in Finland, Corona virus has been on the loose, committing a lot of havoc on lives, not to mention the effect it’s going to have on the economy in the long run. Now some people are of the thought that the government had not done enough to stop the spread of the virus. It is believed that the government should have acted on time and put certain measures in place to contain the spread of the virus.
As I write this, over 1,400 people have already been infected with the Coronavirus in Finland, over 25 persons have died from it, and some people have recovered (thank God!). It is highly believed and feared that the actual number of those infected in Finland is much more than what is accounted for or documented since not everyone is being tested currently. Truthfully, the growth of Corona Virus In Finland is something that has been a source of worry for many because of the rate at which the virus has been spreading.

Image: THL
When it all started, the government gave some recommendations to help stop the spread, including advising people to limit unnecessary outings and travels. Later on public gatherings were limited to ensure that a large crowd of people do not gather in the same place. These are just a few of the recommendations by the government to limit the spread of the virus.
Currently, Public gatherings have been banned totally and people have been asked to stay at home. Majority of the infected cases were in Uusimaa (Helsinki) area, and now that region has been shut down and movements limited and monitored by the police. In the rest of the country, many public events have been cancelled. The border has been closed. Those coming into Finland are now been quarantined (Again, late but better than later). People have been advised to stay at home and if possible, work from home.
Should people start wearing face masks? Why are people not wearing masks in Finland like in other countries where the virus has spread to? These and many more are the questions and concerns people share on Facebook communities and pages.

Image: France 24
Now the problem is that testing has been limited. Not everyone is being tested. Those with mild symptoms were advised to ‘Self Isolate’ at home. Now that is something many people are frowning at.
Currently, schools have been closed and students are now studying from home. Too late! Many say, but in my opinion it is better now than later. Restaurants have been closed as well (partially I would say). They are still kind of open and selling food, but you can only get take-away. You can’t eat in the restaurant. Does that help the situation? Absolutely I guess. Every step helps.
But the main question remains; Has The Government Acted On Time To Stop The Spread Of The Virus?
I just uploaded a detailed video on YouTube where I talked more about Coronavirus in Finland, what has been happening and what people are saying about it. Watch it below and let me know what your thoughts are on what has been going on so far with this horrible virus.
Here it is below .
CORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIC IN FINLAND; What Is Going On Here And What People Are Saying About It.
Remember; Stay Safe and Stress-free. In the meantime, you can check out my post on How To Reduce Stress As You Deal With Challenges In Your Daily Life.
Video mentioned: CORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIC IN FINLAND; What Is Going On Here And What People Are Saying About It.

Written by Olivia Kumpula
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