Olivia Kumpula
Lawyer, Entrepreneur, and Social Justice Advocate
Law, and Social Justice Advocacy
Olivia Kumpula is a Lawyer with years of working experience in Corporate law, Intellectual Property law, Litigation, Contracts, Arbitration, Criminal law, Private law, and Real Estate law in Nigeria. She also holds an LLM (Master of Law) degree from the University of Lapland in Finland, with specialization in Transcultural Business Law, equipping her with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in EU law, International trade, Company Law, Compliance, and Sustainability in businesses. Over the years, she has also sharpened her expertise in EU Labour Mobility and Immigration Law. Currently, she works in a reputable law firm in Helsinki. She is dedicated to ensuring that international professionals in Finland thrive in their pursuit of a career in their new home country, free of legal and administrative hassles! Therefore, do not hesitate to CONTACT her if you need any legal assistance or advice.
As one of the vibrant voices in the international community in Finland, she actively works to ensure the successful transition of newcomers into the Finnish society and workforce through her registered NGO in Finland. She and her team at InterProFinland advocates for an unbiased access to work opportunities for international professionals in Finland and the setting up of systematic mechanics to ease their socio-economic integration process.
Through a diverse range of programs and services, they assist international professionals qualified for a profession abroad to overcome obstacles hindering them from utilizing their skills in Finland.
You can read more about International Professionals Finland HERE.
She also founded the Finns&Foreigners club on Clubhouse, an inclusive platform for meaningful discussions on diverse topics relating to life in Finland, an atmosphere to relax and network, and practice rooms for those learning Finnish language.

Immigration Law & Living in Finland TV
Olivia moved to Finland several years ago as a student and since then she has fallen in love with the country and the lovely nature. At the time of her move, there was very limited information online about Moving to Finland, Visa/Residence Permits application, and Life in Finland for Foreigners. So she started a Blog and a YouTube Channel (Immigration Law & Living in Finland TV), where she shares about Finnish Immigration law, Life in Finland, societal changes and trends, and how they impact international residents, as well as helpful tips for successful integration into Finland, thereby amassing a good amount of following over the years.
Finland Through
The Eyes
Of A Foreigner
What people are saying about Olivia’s content…

As someone with a deep passion to influence lives by Informing, Inspiring, and Empowering others, Olivia offers VERY AFFORDABLE consultation services to those who are planning to move to Finland for study, work or family reasons. You will not find such prices for these kind of services from any other place. In these 1-1 sessions, she provides detailed guidance specific to individual cases, and answers all burning questions in relation to living, studying or working in Finland. She also guides her clients through the application process so they can easily avoid certain mistakes that others make.
Feel free to book a Life Changing session, and let’s take your relocation plans to the next level.
What clients are saying…
I found out about Mrs. Olivia Kumpula through youtube and ever since, then I have watched several of her Youtube videos on Studying in Finland. I later enrolled for her Study in Finland 101 compact kit, which is thoroughly detailed. What immediately struck me was the fact that her consultation service was very SINCERE, DETAILED and THOROUGH during the review of my application. She offered me adequate assistance and kept checking up on the progress I had made.
I got to know about Olivia through Youtube. Her videos have been very helpful. I have been inspired by Olivia through her videos on YouTube and Instagram.
The content are quite educational and informative. As a new immigrant, the videos have been really helpful! I would definitely recommend people to watch OliviA’s videos.
I was in the process of applying for my studies in finland searched on youtube about studying in finland thats when i found her channel. Sharing her experience as a foreigner from Africa makes her more relatable. Her videos are Honest and informative. I would recommend her content to other people planning to move to Finland for study or work.
Residence Permit Consultation
It was the best decision for me to consult Olivia for all my burning question on how to study in Finland. Despite my busy schedule at work, Olivia was calm as ever. Now I have some vital informations that will make my journey easier. Thank you Olivia
It is a nice moment with Olivia, she goes straight to the point and help solving every disturbing questions in my heart, thanks Olivia.
It was a very informative session with Olivia. She was able to answer all my burning questions. I am glad I booked the appointment, will recommend 24/7.
Book An Appointment And Let’s Get To Work.
Featured in the Media
Olivia Kumpulan perustama Inter Pro Finland opastaa ulkomailta muuttaneita ammattilaisia löytämään osaamistaan vastaavaa työtä. – Satakunnan Kansa
Assisting International Professionals Qualified for a Profession Abroad to Overcome Obstacles Hindering Them from Utilizing Their Skills in Finland. – Humans of Fuzia.

Arktiset maahanmuuttajat järjestää ongelmanratkaisutyöpajoja: Maahanmuuttajanaiset jäävät liian usein kotirouviksi – Lapin Kansa
Poriin avoimella mielellä – Satakunnan Viikko
Kolumni: Ote maahanmuuttajan päiväkirjasta – Lapin Kansa
TE Live: TE Palvelut, FINLANDWORKS #TalentBoost
companies and organisations collaborated with

Olivia’s mottos
1. Keep your eyes only on the important things in life.
2. Put every disappointment and NO you get into positive use. Turn it into your fuel and one of your driving forces to reach your goal.
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